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Thank you for your superb manner with my young son

I just felt I had to write and thank you for the exceptional care we have received from you and your team. I was really quite concerned about the lump on George's eye that appeared when he was about 3 months old, and I am very pleased that I followed my friends recommendation to come and see you. I am so grateful, not only for your support and understanding during our visits to your practice, but also for the extremely efficient way you dealt with the referral to my GP, ensuring that they acted quickly so that we received an appointment with the consultant very promptly. 

It was very kind of you to call recently to get an update on George's eye. It is fair to say that you have exceeded my expectations in terms of your superb manner with my young son, your knowledge and expertise, and the state of the art equipment you have at your finger tips in the practice. We shall certainly always use Buchanan Optometrists for our family's eye care. 

Many thanks again for all your help, 

Kind regards, 

Sarah Irvine  

Sarah Irvine with her son George who had their eye examinations/tests with Kathryn Buchanan their Optician and Optometrist at Buchanan Optometrists, Kent